Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Week 3 Progress / Regress Report

As with most of us on technology training wheels, the scope of what is available via the web is mind blowing. Even more so for those of us who need to actually know how it works as well as what to use. This ambition is quickly shattered as there is just no way the majority of us has the knowledge or the time to even to begin to understand the workings of all the technologies available. So what to do?

Just go with it and choose those applications which either appeal, make the job easier or are just plain fun. (See Gobi camel.) To me the appeal is the mapping applications that now proliferate many programs. Not only the global google earth machinations but right down to the flickr mapp and now the feature on new digital cameras where, on taking a photo you are able to track via GPS the exact location that the photo was taken. So no more wandering the bush looking for that elusive orchid just check the digital data and presto there it is!